Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It Goes By So Fast!

Khloe has two bottom, front teeth with the top one's trying to come in. She's working really hard on the top two front ones.

She is also "walking" all over the place pushing her blue hippo. Well, I guess it's more like running. lol. We have decided we are in trouble.

She will be 9 months on Thursday! I have been semi-planning her first birthday party in my head. Khloe is eating more and more of the food we had. Mostly at dinner time. Last night she had some chicken, couscous, green beans and cateloupe--she loved them all.

We set up her little pool for the first time last week. See pictures below. She wasn't all that impressed but I'm sure by next Summer we won't be able to get her out of the pool. The bow in hair was just for show--one time only for photo. lol. ;)

We talked about getting ready to start the process for a second one last night. We hope to be officially on the waiting list by January 1, 2009! it's exciting and scary too! lol.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July.

The 4th was a good day. Lot's of family showed up for the family reunion. Some family that none of us had seen for probably 20 years were there too. Very nice to have seen them after all this time. Kind of weird to see us all grown up and with children of our own. :)

This first pic is for Mindy. ;) I understand her need to take picture's of sleeping babies. This was taken in her pac n play at the cabin on the morning of the 4th.

I have to include this picture of our cousin Ava. She and Khloe loved on each other all day. They were just fascinated with each other. Ava is two.