Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I Think I'm In Trouble.

Khloe has been crawling backwards and never gets very far because she gets frustrated that she is getting further away from whatever she is after. Today she went about 2 feet FORWARD going after the dog. He jumped up with this surprised look on his face and ran. lol.

Here's a picture of her that her grammie (my mom) took of her at her house when she went to get her from one of her naps.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

It's Final!

Monday in court went well. Khloe was a star and had turned 7 months the day before her adoption finalization in court. It all went so quick. The BBQ later that night at our house with family and friends was fun and nice to just sit back and relax with everyone we love.

In her sailor dress for her date with the judge.

Later that night during BBQ:

Khloe with my dad's wife.

Munchin on her toast

She's really gettin the hang of her sippie cup.
Khloe loves her new swing:

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Busy Planning A Party.

I've gotten most of everything I need for the BBQ Monday night after the court finalization. Picked up some bright green plates, utensils and napkins and found some bright pink cups and I will pick up all the balloons Monday morning.

Khloe has pretty much recovered from being sick all last week with her first cold. The teething is still kicking her patootie but I have discovered the Hyland teething tablets. Good stuff and she opens her mouth for them. Her appetite is completely back.
We went to a Pampered Chef party earlier tonight and she was a star as usual. It started right when her bedtime starts but I needed to get out of the house and she did really well. She's always been a good baby tho.

She got to wear her flip flops for the first time today. It's suppose to hit 94 degrees here tomorrow:

Being cute:

Friday, May 9, 2008

Khloe Has A Date With The Judge!!

May 19, 2008, 1:15 pm. We got the papers yesterday for her adoption finalization court date! We are so excited. YAY!

She has been sick this week with a cold. Her first! It sucks. :( She's a trooper tho. On top of it she is teething the worst I have ever seen her teeth. While sitting in the Dr.'s office this morning for her follow up from Tuesday's appointment she was smiling for everyone in the waiting room and I noticed two little teeth just under the surface on the front, bottom gums.
Mom was over visiting yesterday and I let her do Khloe's hair so she can experience all that goes into doing her hair. It took her forever. I'm so used to it that I've gotten pretty good at doing it fast. I think mom get's it now. lol.

I can't believe she will be 7 months in 9 days! It is unbelievable how time just flies by when you have kids. She can now get on all fours and smiles really big but then she doesn't know what to do so she starts rocking and then rolls over. She's very proud of herself when she does this.

A few pics:

Taken last week. Sitting in daddy's chair in his home office.

This one was taken last week too.